GST LUT Filing
A business entity who is registered as taxpayer and commencing an Export Business can file GST LUT. GST LUT filing means that a letter of undertaking to be filed on a letter head who intends to supply goods/services without the payment of integrated tax. GST LUT Filing is been done through RFD-11 form under rule 96 A,. This can be filed by MD, company secretary, or other authorized people. It can be filed by any individual who is registered under GST provided he has not been executed in case of tax evasion exceeding Rs. 250 lakh or any other offense.
For all these compliance we are here for you so that you can focus on core business activities.
Incorporating an Export Business in any Foreign Marketplace
Exporting goods, services to the SEZ units
Operating Export business without payment of Integrated GST
- 6M+
Trust Corporate Genie
- 800 Cr+
Taxes Filed
Trusted By Leading Brands
- Simple 3 Step Process
- Completely Online
- Assisted by Income Tax Experts
Why Should I Use Corporate Genie For GST LUT?
Corporate Genie has a team of registration experts who can provide complete guidance to register your GST LUT Filing!
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Required Documents for GST LUT Filing
Understanding GST in India
For firms operating in India, understanding GST filling is essential. The comprehensive indirect tax system called the goods and service tax (GS) replaces several other indirect taxes to establish a single taxing system. Regular tax returns describing sales, purchases, and taxes paid are sent to the government as part of the GST filling procedure. To prevent science and guarantee efficient operations, businesses must know the numerals of GST forms, due dates, and compliance requirements.
To file a GST in India, you must have the proper paperwork, make accurate calculations, and follow all rules and laws.