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Shifting Of Registered

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All about shifting of Registered Office

Registered office means the name of the State in which the registered office of the company is situated. Registered office helps to determine the Jurisdiction. Registered office is the principle place of the business where all the business activities are carried out.

According to section 12 of companies act, it is mandatory to maintain the registered address of the company, which should be a physical address capable of receiving official communication from government department and informed about the location of the registered office and changes if any.

To help you out for the same we are there for you always.

    Registered Office Change(ROC) Form

    Registered Office Change(ROC) Form

    Corporate Genie Plans


    Rs. 3,499
    • Within the Same City
    • (*excluding government fees)


    Rs. 5,499
    • With a Different ROC But Within the State
    • (*excluding government fees)


    Rs. 7,499
    • Change of Address in Another State
    • (*excluding government fees)

    Shifting can be done according to 3 levels i.e.

    This means shifting of office in the same city, area or village. So the documents for the same are
    – The Proof of Owning the Business Location in the name of the company.
    – If the workplace is taken on Rent /Lease, the Legal Document for the same.
    – In case the particular property is owned by any Director of the company, then the valid documents permitting the Company to use that Location.

    This means shifting of office in the same state but with different ROC. So the documents for the same are
    – The proof of owning the Business Location in the name of the company.
    – If the workplace is taken on Rent/Lease, the Legal Document for the same.
    – In case the particular property is owned by any Director of the company, then the valid documents permitting the Company to use that Location.

    This means whole business is been shifted in different state. So documents for the same are
    – Company’s Special Resolution approving the Change of Address by its Members.
    – Company’s General Meeting in which the Resolution was Authorized.
    – A Notice expressing the company’s General Meeting containing the related Explanatory Statement.
    – List of the company’s Creditors and Debenture.
    – Power of Attorney
    – Essential documents related to the Payments.
    – A special resolution should be prepared by the company’s board which is needed to be approved by the RD (Regional Director)
    – Next, the special resolution should be filed in the company’s MOA (Memorandum of Association)

    Process to Reach Us

    Fill the details in the form provided on our website.

    Make the required payment.

    Our expect Team for winding up process will call you and ask for all the Necessary \Information and Documents.

    Team will Prepared by Application.

    Documents will be filed & submitted to ROC with prior consultation.

    Finally Shifting Registered Address is Completed.


    Some important factors are-
    • Special Resolution should be passed from all the members.
    • Documents should be latest and maximum 2 month old.
    • For address purpose-
    • Bill of Mobile, Telephone, Electricity, Gas is valid.
    By filing form INC-22, with which supporting document in the form of the ownership papers/Rent agreement and NOC from the owner is attached.
    NO, in case of same city but shifting of the registered office is from one state to another then prior approval of the regional director having jurisdiction is required.