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About us

About Us

Snehsanskriti Financial Solutions LLP is registered under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, recognised by the Govt. of India and is specialized in providing:
  • New business solutions- legal entity incorporation/dissolution, drafting of agreements, income tax matters, GST matters, trademarks and various MCA related work.
  • Corporate solutions- accounting, tax matters, trade marks, government registrations and various other services.
  • Legal solutions- Provide the legal services in various areas.
Our core team consists of skilled and proficient Chartered Accountants and Advocates, along with a diligent team of other professionals with industry experience of over 20 years, all under one roof.
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Vision & Mission

Our mission is to simplify compliances, save money and time for millions of Indian businesses and people. We aim to become one click solution for all financial and legal requirements of businesses in India.
We provide with the best of services to all our clients and understand their needs and problems and so that accordingly we can provide solutions with sincerity, thus helping them to resolve their issues, in no time.

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